The template queries below have been executed for this list.
Canonical gene --> CDSs in specific strains.
Returns CDS for the specified gene(s) from all annotated strains.
Canonical gene --> Exons in specific strains
Given a canonical gene id (MGI id) or symbol (or a list of such), returns the corresponding exons from all annotated strains.
Canonical gene --> Transcripts in specific strains.
Returns transcript IDs, lengths, and sequences for the specific strains.
Features --> Overlapping features
Returns genome features that overlap the specified features.
Mouse features --> Functions (GO terms)
Returns GO terms associated with specified mouse features.
Gene --> Expression annotations
Returns expression annotations for the specified gene(s).
Genes/Features --> Phenotypes (MP terms)
Returns the phenotypes (MP terms) associated with the specified mouse genes or other features.
Mouse features --> Alleles
Returns alleles of the specified features.
Mouse features --> Human diseases
Returns human diseases modeled by mice with mutations in the specified genes.
Mouse features --> Publications
Returns publications for the specified mouse features.